Treatment in San Francisco CA

We craft individualized health plans for every patient our clinic serves. If you are looking for a personalized approach to treatment in San Francisco CA read below to see what our clinic has to offer.
What You Need to Know About Your Treatment at Chiro-Health in San Francisco CA
Subsequent Visits
Expect your treatment to change through the healing process. Each visit is 30 minutes of gentle and comfortable hands-on treatment. At the end of the first month of treatment, a re-examination will be performed and a new treatment plan will be created.
Phase One – “Acute” (1-4 weeks)
Massage, adjustment, flexion distraction, Electrical muscle stimulation and ice. Treatment goals: decrease pain and inflammation, increase Range of Motion (ROM), and decrease muscle spasm.
Phase Two – “Healing” (1-4 weeks)
Rehabilitation: Active exercise, stretching, massage, and adjustment. Treatment goals: Restore joint and muscle function, restore full ROM, stabilize associated structures
Phase Three – “Strength-building” (4-12 weeks)
Strength training, massage, adjustment
Wellness and Elective Care
Just like getting your teeth cleaned and eating wholesome foods are important aspects of maintaining overall health and wellness, so too does it make sense to return for periodic maintenance chiropractic check-ups.
At Chiro-Health, we believe that wellness care is always recommended, but should never be imposed. This type of care saves time and money by keeping minor problems from becoming more serious while also keeping you at your best level of function and health. Most of our patients choose this type of care.
After your initial appointment and new patient examination, your doctor will put together a treatment plan that is personalized for your condition. As you move forward with treatments at Chiro-Health, your doctor will use the plan as a road map for your health and wellness. If you are looking for an alternative plan for treatment in San Francisco CA for your health consider what Chiro-Health, Inc has to offer.
At your second appointment, the doctor will evaluate the examination information carefully and accurately assess your treatment needs. He or she will explain your evaluation and plan for treatment. Immediate needs, as well as long-term goals, will be discussed and a plan to return your spine to its healthiest level will be created.

8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Chiro-Health, Inc
211 Sutter St Suite 401
San Francisco, CA 94108